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What is periodontal disease (periodontitis)?

Detect, prevent and treat gum and periodontal diseases to prevent tooth loss

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What is periodontal disease (periodontitis)?

Periodontal disease is a disease of infectious origin that affects the supporting tissues of the tooth, including the gums, ligaments, alveolar bone of the maxilla, root cementum and blood vessels.


It is a sneaky pathology, which often evolves over several years. However, we too often forget that the health of the teeth depends on the health of the periodontium, and that disease of the periodontium often leads to premature loosening of the teeth. Indeed, the diseased supporting tissues gradually become detached from the tooth, a space is created and deepened between the gums and the tooth, the bone is damaged, the tooth becomes mobile and becomes loose.


It is therefore very important to detect, prevent and treat it as early as possible.


How to treat periodontal disease?

Before treating it, its appearance must be prevented through good dental hygiene and regular scaling. Once installed, its treatment requires the intervention of a specialist in periodontology. Depending on the severity of the condition, he will treat periodontal pockets and perform procedures aimed at reconstituting the gum and bone. The treatment can be complex and lengthy.


Our expertise

Dr Laurent Seguy is trained in periodontology and can therefore take care of you in the event of periodontal disease.

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